Saturday, September 11, 2010

The high road or the low road

                                   Right know I'm enforcing a no fly zone in Az

 Ok so this title might not go with it but this is what's up with me.
First I won't to say thank you Lord for the close friends in my life. I was talking to a couple of them and thinking about the sermon last Sunday after noon. One ask me why do you won't to do the military, first I'm like it be me and I could do it. Then all I would have so much fun, and I would have my life together. And I would now who I am. I would be part of a team and some thing big. Ooops I was not thinking. Though my good friends and family I started to see it was I, me, I I I and not me giving my life to the Lord and trusting Him. Yes I could do the military all on my own yes the Lords help be ok. But I could do it with out Him and with out having to trust Him. One of the question's was why don't you go into missions or some thing. You love people and love to serve. Aaaa I have to trust the Lord and vary fast I could see yes I new the Lord but wasn't giving my life to Him and trusting Him all the way.

This is not saying I have give up my dream for the military or I'm running off to 10 buck 2. It's I could see I was not living my life for the Lord as deeply as I should. I wont every one to now him and it like I read some thing in His word and it in packs me deep or moves me. I just wont to tell all my friends about it. But yet I was working my life and not giving it all to Him and I now when I'm giving my all to Him by mashers of the world my not have much, but they are the most wonderful times. 

So I'm starting with giving my self to the church He has me in and the family I have there that love me deeply. The blessing they are to me. I just wont to give my free time and serve there and go one more missions. Last night talking to my dad he's like, Heath you make a fine Seal and a fine missionary. A lot of things you done in your life have prepared you for one of them or both. Though I can see you as a Seal, I can rilly see you enjoying missions and the Lord rilly blessing you and bring along some one for you that has the same dreams and heart for serves as you. Ok dad you in about 90 sec just killed the Seals. I can see I was living in the flesh. 

So I don't know what my hole life plan is, but that's ok for I have a purpose and love and long to live my life out for the Lord and serve Him. Were this is going I have no idea, but it will be in serves to the Lord.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Honduras Pic's Katie

Honduras Pic's George

Honduras Pic's Eric

Honduras Pic's John

Honduras Pic's Lee and Peggy

Honduras Pic's Nathan

Honduras Pic's Michael

Back From Honduras

Ok, yes I'm been back for about a month, I'm sorry it's taken so long to wright.

I can start by saying the Lord has truly blessed me with a Great trip! I went with now exception's at all, I had no clue what to think. And from about 3:30 Saturday morning I started to think this is going to be a blast, and from that point on it just snowballing more and more. The start of the trip can't call it mission work, we got to Honduras but were we got in could leave to got to La Saba tell noon the next day so we had to go play on the beach and swim that morning.

We left from there to go off to La Saba, we got in got shown are home away from home. Yep 23 people in one house 2 1/2 bathrooms. And I can't tell you how cool it was to look back at the end of the week and say there were no problems. Every one just show so much love though out the hole week. And I being the claimer I am seed I clime up to the hard bunk up there, to later find out how good I had it up there. I was right by a window and could look out and at night had a little breeze on me :)

The first of work, simple move that dirt pile from over there to over there. And we had a blast we had are diggers are wheelbarrow pushers and wheelbarrow runs to run them back. Now Mike Pettengill had told all of us we are not going to save Honduras in a day. Ok it was 94 out at 92% humidity and by the first hour are shirts, pans, and shoes were soaked.

But we were having fun and yes we were training to save Armenia Bonito in a day, and we came up with a good saying for are team ( saving Armenia Bonito on wheelbarrow at a time ) we hoping that become the new slogan for them. After that we got to go eat lunch and play with the kids or rest it was up to you. I went to play with the kids, and all after noon. We had a English class, but the didn't need all of us so I ran of to play more score. I played score with them every day and I would trade that part for anything. Later that week we pilled up a butch of kids in a buss and went to the beach with them, the fun kids have at a beach. But I just looked back the day before they were having fun playing score every day. They didn't need some thing new, there were happy with it. Just so cool to see that. Ok back on to what we did we also helped build a house for some one, ok I wasn't a builder I dug a hole, and Micheal and me at times thought were dig are grave, but we went just the bathroom. To see them team when we got to build the house. One of them Nathan just had a blast it was new for him and he went all for it. I was just so happy to see him just loving what he was doing. Both place we had mason work and Nathan was the first one there and George. I was not I was with Micheal we were the heavy lifters.
And there rest of the team just made mud or got stuff them. Every one just went to work.

Just to kinda make things a little clearer, in the mornings we did building, then to lunch were we had 2-3 hour brake we cloud rest or go play score, and about 3 we did kids club. Wednesday we went to the beach with the kinds in the after noon and Friday was are day off were we went on a hike. And there we 10 AZ nuts and 10 from PA and the three who's home it was. One team work on Job site one day and we switch the next same with kids club.
I would like to end with a big main part that meant a lot it was all of it from just having fun on the beach and a hike to a water fall with brothers and sisters in Christ, to living with a butch of them and the fun bettew the AZ nuts and the PA nuts. To the working together and every one just finding there place and my favorite part playing with the kids.

I get to look back on all the fun I had and the blessings I have, and being on the trip talking to people getting to now them I found me and more what I wont to do. Bit that's for a norther time. I thank the Lord for the hole trip.